9 Principles of Success

Written By LaTisha  |  Young Finances  |  18 Comments

We all want to be successful. Most people want to to better than their parents did. We strive to be our best self and even better than that. Over the years I’ve learned 9 Principles of Success that have kept me motivated as I strive for my goals. These principles apply to entrepreneurs, young adults and anyone who desires to do more.

9 Principles of Success

Don’t live your life to please others

Even though you may admire the achievements you see other entrepreneurs accomplish and aspire to do the same or more. You also may push yourself to your personal limits because there was that one person who told you that you would never make it. But you can’t live your life just to please others. Real leaders take action.

Don’t depend on other people to get you ahead

As the leader of your success, you failure or success will be solely determined by your own efforts. If you spend all day waiting for your big break, you will have wasted a lot of time. It’s been said that luck is when opportunity and preparation meet. Take the time you have available to you each day to put yourself one step closer to your ultimate goals.

“Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” – Thomas Alva Edison, Inventor and Entrepreneur

Keep harmony and compassion in your business and your life

I know we live in a capitalist society, but the businesses and the people that are the most successful and get ahead in their industry are the ones who help others along the way. Harmony is also important to keeping a smooth running operation, whether it be a business or your personal life.

Get Rid of those Backstabbers

You should surround yourself with people that will support you and push you to be your best. People that don’t want to see you succeed are ‘haters’. There’s no definition of haters at dictionary.com so let me break it down for you.

There are 6 Characteristics of Haters

They are Imitators: They pretend like they’re going to get involved when really they just want to steal your ideas.

They are Spectators: They look but don’t lift a finger to help and they are waiting for you to fail.

They are Commentators: They always want to add their ‘two cents’ on your goals even though they’ve never done the same thing you are doing.

They are Dictators: They always want to tell you what to do and how to do it.

They are Agitators: They are always annoying and negative.

They are Hesitaters: They always have an excuse to why they won’t take a step toward achieving more.

“A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him.”
David Brinkley, Newscaster

Always be nice

The word ‘networking’ is constantly repeated in our interviews with young entrepreneurs. It’s important to be nice to everyone that you meet. You never know when you might meet the person who will be instrumental in your success.

Free Yourself from Addictions

It doesn’t have to be a drug addiction that prevents you from being successful, you could be addicted to T.V. or other bad habits that kill your productivity. It’s important to prioritize your day and all of your activities. If a bad habit, or an addiction is preventing you from taking action, drop it.

“You can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do.” Henry Ford, Entrepreneur

Surround yourself with people who are as smart or smarter than you

You will become a better person by getting the mental stimulation you need from those that surround you. When you associate with people who are smarter or as smart as you then you can constantly increase your knowledge.

“Watch, listen, and learn. You can’t know it all yourself. Anyone who thinks they do is destined for mediocrity.” –Donald Trump, Business Mogul

Let Go of Money as Your First Motivation

I’ll admit it, money is a huge motivator for me. It is for most of the contingent workforce. The first time I learned the term ‘opportunity cost’ I began to measure the value in almost everything that I did. But if money is your first motivator then you will lose site of your ultimate goal.

“If you work just for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what you’re doing and you always put the customer first, success will be yours.” –Ray Kroc, Entrepreneur

Be Persistent in Pursuing Your Dreams but Enjoy the Journey

Don’t lose sight of your dreams, goals and aspirations. Make a visual representation of your goals and place it somewhere that you can see it each day. That’s what makes a person successful. When you look at those goals each day your mind will create ways to achieve those goals. Begin with the end in mind but don’t forget to enjoy the journey along the way.

Remember that life is a journey, not a destination.

Quote resource: https://www.youngentrepreneur.com/blog/33-quotes-to-fuel-your-entrepreneurial-flames/

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