
Posted in  Investing   on  May 25, 2024 by  Young Finances52 comments

In my opinion college students are the best investors. They are constantly learning and not afraid to make mistakes. As you get a college education, you should be getting an education in building wealth. You don’t need tons of capital to start your investing journey: you just have to know how to do it. This

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Posted in  Budgeting & Saving   on  July 25, 2024 by  Young Finances3 comments

The following blog post is part of the The Road to Financial Wellness Blog Tour. #TheRoad is a 15,000+ miles road trip through 50 states. We’ll be hosting and participating in events all across the country: from The Smile Lifestyle Events, financial wellness seminars, book signings and training. We’re going to break the social taboo

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Posted in  Budgeting & Saving   on  July 25, 2024 by  Young Finances0 comments

Moving? You’ll need to figure out your apartment expenses. If you’re thinking about moving out and trying to figure out if you can get your own place, then it’s time to set up a budget. Your budget changes as you change and it should adjust especially when you make new decisions such as moving into an apartment.

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