You can use the companies and resources listed below to better manage your finances. All of the resources listed here are ones that I have used to improve and maintain better finances. I consider them the best resources out there.
Budgeting Tools
Young Finances Toolkit
The Young Finances toolkit gives you a step by step guide to creating a budget you will stick to so you can have more money and do what you love! The guide also includes a budgeting template with suggested amounts so you can quickly create and visualize your new budget. The investing quiz will help you determine your investing style and there are videos and more upon registration.

Best Books
Best Personal Finance and Investing Books
I have pulled together a listing of the best books for young adults if you are looking to improve your personal finances. You can find them here.
Automatic Investing
Easy Investing and Saving with Betterment
Invest the smart, simple way.
I love my Betterment account. If you are looking for a great way to get starting with easy investing, Betterment will do all of the work for you. I am using it for my travel savings and as a long term savings as well. Here is my account opening experience.
Credit Repair
How to Fix Your Credit
Ready to fix your credit? There’s no doubt that living in the modern world requires credit. Yes, you can live without a credit card and survive on cash and cash back debit cards. I know because I did it for over two years. However, when you are ready to buy a house, you need to get your credit straightened out. No need to worry because there is a quick start program you can use in just 60 days.
The How to Fix Your Credit program offers easy step by step methods to remove inaccurate information from your credit report and get your score to the level you deserve.
TurboTax – Choose Easy This Year
I’ve been using TurboTax for my taxes for as long as I can remember. It’s really easy to use and actually will pull in your Mint transactions that are tax related if you want.